monsanto settlement
Day 1 – Opening Statements
The big day – opening statements! The media is back with cameras and crowds, lining the hallways and the front of the courthouse. The judge ordered that only mini-openings, openings, closings and verdicts could be filmed, so the journalists are briefly dipping back into the case. The room has its familiar getup of screens and…
Pre-Trial Day 8 – Whackamole
New day, new energy! Everyone looks more groomed this morning while putting the finishing touches on the jury selection. David Dickens says that he can confidently say “good morning.” THE FINAL INTERVIEWS A soft-spoken young woman who grew up in a farming community in Colorado. She worked in banking but recently made a career switch…
Pre-Trial Day 7 – Final Draft Rounds
9:40 start – – I’m sitting in the media row with people who are becoming much more chummy, as we drag through the days together. We makeup an unusual mix: several attorneys who are invested in how this case evolves, a sassy actress Jill, activist Carey Gillam, committed environmentalist Robert Kennedy Jr., a stud from…
Pre-Trial Day 6 – Call Me Maybe
Highway 101 is strangely manageable this morning – maybe a good omen. As I commute into San Francisco for another day of court, I continue to think about just how challenging it is to find jurors who haven’t heard about Monsanto. Monsanto’s team doesn’t want anyone on the jury who has come in with preconceived…
Pre-Trial Day 4 – Pulling The Weeds
The morning begins – a few new faces are in the crowd. Attorneys look more tired than last week. I imagine that poring over the jury questionnaires all weekend took its toll. Monsanto comes out of the gates, wanting thirty-five potential jurors kicked out because they have heard negative things about Monsanto. Judge Bolanos asks…
Pre-Trial Day 3 – Let the Games Begin
Morning Session 9:30 start! We are convening in an enormous courtroom. Security officers are gathered outside and inside of the doors of the courtroom. The single camera is setup on the right side of the courtroom, primed for the permitted filming of mini-arguments delivered by both sides. Judge Bolanos makes a lovely speech about the…
Pre-Trial Day 2 – Going Through the Motions
We are back in a freshly spiffed up courtroom – a large screen is angled towards the jury chairs. Jury selection is not happening today, due to the large number of motions to exclude evidence that need to be resolved prior to the mini-presentations that the lead attorneys will make to the jury panel during…
Pre-Trial Day 1 – We Are All Gathered Here Today
Case Number: CGC16550128 Title: DEWAYNE JOHNSON VS. MONSANTO COMPANY ET AL Cause of Action: PRODUCTS LIABILITY Today is the day – entering the courthouse, I feel enthused by the prospect of this case heightening awareness of the potentially toxic effect of pesticides on our bodies. Thank you, Dewayne Johnson, for having the courage to take up this fight…