monsanto settlement


Phase 2, Day 1 – Happy Silent Spring Break

March 21, 2019

By AOJ Back again for the first time, Phase Two!  Just a note: I put dialog in quotes to keep things organized, but these quotes are the spirit, but not the letter of what was said. Elaine and Christopher Stevicks are here. Wow, these two are dedicated. In case you missed it, they are the…

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Monsanto Trial Verdict Aimee Wagstaff Jennifer Moore

Chronic Jury Inflammation

March 20, 2019

By AOJ – AKA Johnson Juror #4 Unexpected emotions took a few minutes to hit me after I heard the news that the Hardeman jury had reached a verdict in favor of the plaintiff. I am sure we, the Johnson jury, got that verdict right. But that does not mitigate the worry that we were…

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Verdict Cancer Roundup "Monsanto Trial"


March 19, 2019

QUESTION TO THE JURY: Did Mr. Hardeman prove by a preponderance of the evidence that his exposure to Roundup was a substantial factor in causing his non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma? The answer was yes, for all 6 jurors. The trial will now move to Phase 2 to determine Monsanto’s liability and subsequent damages. YIPPEEEEE!!! More later –…

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Hardeman v monsanto verdict

Unexposed Exposure

March 19, 2019

Today is Monday morning. We still are verdict-less. The waiting game on this verdict is a serious bore. I sit among other writers in the hallway, waiting for any news at all. Some take naps, others wander the windowless halls looking for anything slightly entertaining. Friday was the Ides of March, which my mom nicely reminded…

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Agent OJ: I Stand For Jurors

March 15, 2019

By Agent OJ – “Johnson Juror #4” It is Tuesday afternoon as I write this, knowing I will be on verdict watch tomorrow starting at 8:30 AM. I have thoughts about this jury. Actually, I don’t know this jury very well, if at all. I have been concerned about the light note-taking, but have decided…

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Roundup NHL trial

Day 10 – And So In Closing

March 13, 2019

If you’ve been a long-time reader, you know my issues with the medical term “idiopathic,” AKA “we don’t know what caused your illness.” Because I’ve had some truly horrible experiences with doctors dismissing or incorrectly treating a multitude of “idiopathic” symptoms (which actually were due to severe gluten intolerance), this term really annoys me. It…

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NHL Hardeman Roundup Monsanto

Day 9 – Roundup, Hep C, Both or Neither?

March 12, 2019

The courtroom is oddly packed today – the Monsanto side is sardined with observers. Perhaps more people are in town given today’s lead-up to the Closing Statements. During Johnson’s Closing Statements, several dark suited, gel-haired men showed up to linger in the halls. They reminded me of John Travolta and his Scientology crew. I presume…

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Monsanto Roundup Kills Bees Butterflies

Day 8 – Uh Uh Ummm

March 9, 2019

I began graduate school the same week as 9/11. The sense of loss among our first year class was immense – many had just moved to California from New York City. The orientation activities felt frivolous – booze cruise, random scandalous make-outs, icebreakers and even placement exams. I didn’t find my icebreaker factoid — I…

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Hardeman Monsanto Jury

Day 6 – And Then There Were Six

March 6, 2019

BY GUEST BLOGGER: AGENT OJ While I was outside my job site last week (it passed the lead test, by the way—none detected), waiting for PG&E to turn the power back on to the block, I struck up a conversation with two neighbors. As we were chatting a woman came wandering down the middle of…

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Leaky Gut Glyphosate Roundup microbiome autoimmunity

Gut Junction, What’s Your Function?

March 5, 2019

My alarm goes off at 5:45 am. My alarm used to be set to play “Wanna Be Starting Something” by Michael Jackson, but horror stories from a recent documentary make me think it’s not the best energy with which to start the day. On my drive to San Francisco, I am seriously feeling Florence and…

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Christopher Portier Monsanto Trial Glyphosate Cancer Roundup

Day 4 – More From The Land Down Under

March 2, 2019

Over the past weekend, I forced myself to sit down and fill out the stack of overdue papers for my childrens’ summer camps. I had been ignoring the lengthy project because it feels inconsiderate for the camps to demand their completion in the depths of winter.   Not long ago, the children’s activity papers just…

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Roundup Skin Cancer

Day 3 – G’Day Jurors

February 28, 2019

Another dreary, rainy San Francisco morning. To make my drive more interesting, I happen upon a podcast discussing the woeful tale of women who left the US to join ISIS, and now want to come home. It isn’t the jolliest of mood-boosting inspiration, though the San Francisco weather doesn’t seem such a cross to bear…

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