monsanto settlement
Day 14 – Teacher Appreciation Day
Throughout my blog posts, I’ve noted how challenging the science in this case is to digest, and wondered how well the jury could possibly be following it. Today, Monsanto calls expert witness Dr. Lorelei Mucci, a leading cancer epidemiologist from Harvard, to do her own assessment of the epidemiology that she finds most compelling in…
Day 13 – Non-Suits and No-Suits
I advised myself incorrectly that the pre-jury meeting would start at 9am, but that gives me time to chat with the video guy. We discuss how the Plaintiff forgot to show the adorable video clip of Johnson and his son baking a cake on the day of Johnson’s testimony. Perhaps they will add that in…
Day 12 – Liberal Morons Who Don’t Want Cancer
It has been icy in San Francisco the last few days, with thick, drizzly fog. It feels like the gray, gloomy days of winter, or maybe I’m just riddled with intrusive thoughts of how the EPA has known that Roundup causes cancer all along. It’s a short walk from the Civic Center parking lot to…
Day 11 – The “Incredible Feces Error”
My hopes that Judge Bolanos was starting to see how extensively she has tied Plaintiff’s hands with rulings benefitting Monsanto came crashing down. Yesterday, on the jury’s day off, Plaintiff, Defendant and Bolanos met to continue debating the permissiblity of discussing NSRL, Prop 65, and several other issues. In every issue raised, Bolanos favored Monsanto.…
Day 10 – So Unbelievably Misleading, It Makes Me Dizzy!
There is a lovely small town in rural North Carolina in which everyone is welcoming and family is of utmost importance. The town’s history is rich in farming and it is not uncommon for homes to have large open land surrounding them. Pesticides are widely used, so trust in the manufacturers and EPA is high.…
Day 9 – “Cide” Means Kill
The mood today is overwhelmingly somber. Media cameras pack the halls and there is a line in front of the courtroom to claim media passes. Any extra seats are given out in a lottery to members of the public. Today is the much anticipated testimony of Plaintiff Dewayne Lee Johnson. I feel tacky even writing…
Day 8 – Not Drinking the Kool Aid
I have a friend whose adorable puppy died of lymphoma when he was 22 months old. Yesterday, I told her about this trial and my blog. She went a bit silent during our conversation, and shared that her husband diligently sprayed Roundup outside of their home to get rid of weeds on the patio. With…
Day 7 – Weighing Sh!t with a Gold Scale
Today feels peculiar. I walk through the halls of the fifth floor of the courthouse, and hear chatter and laughter. It appears that the jury is becoming chummy! Just last week, they sat in silence outside of the courtroom, but now there is banter. One male jury member has been rotating some wildly printed button…
Day 6 – Who Me? Couldn’t Be.
This morning, I ride the elevator up with several jury members. It’s funny, we haven’t interacted at all, but we have stared at one another for hours. I’m careful to just be friendly and discuss nothing, but can’t wait to share my blog with them post-trial. Pending on how the case ends up, some of…
Day 5 – Bueller, Bueller
The lawyers meet up before the jury convenes to discuss a few issues raised by the Plaintiff. Yesterday, Griffis asked Portier to list all regulatory findings after IARC with which he reviewed and disagreed. Portier included the California EPA on his list. Of course, we know that Portier disagreed with California’s high NSRL determination, not…
Day 4 – Well Played, Dr. Portier
As if we never left, we are all back in the courtroom. The court reporter left two notes to SLOW DOWN. The group is definitely prone to rapid speak. I am beginning to worry that Judge Bolanos is favoring the Defendants. I’m trying to trust in impartiality, but it seems that she is tying up…
Day 3 – The Doctor Is In
I’ve heard several references to Roundup as “safe enough to drink.” Regarding this catch phrase about hydrating yourself with Roundup, Johnson was fed the same line. I received a comment from a woman who just attended a commodities trade show. For two days, Monsanto tried to convince her that drinking a bottle of Roundup wouldn’t…