Monsanto Trial glyphosate bees

Get Out of Here

May 13, 2019

As you all know by now, I really like to keep my blog light, because the topic is so grave that it’s something of a coping mechanism. But today, I feel I am in a surreal state of mind. Today’s news headlined an article about whales dying and shoring on the California coast at unprecedented…

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Bayer monsanto trial roundup glyphosate cancer

The Art of the Appeal

May 11, 2019

GG: Hold tight for the writeup on Closing Statements – working on it this weekend! In the meantime, AOJ has some news. Hey folks, AOJ here with a quick update on Monsanto’s Motion for Judicial Notice in the Johnson appeal. I recently wrote about my distinct displeasure with the Johnson letter writers’ private information going…

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Roundup Microbiome Glyphosate Monsanto trial

Comments on Comments

May 7, 2019

Today, I finally heard the word “microbiome” said OUT LOUD during the trial, in a context that so perfectly bridged NHL, immune system dysfunction, and our individual universes of intestinal bacteria. I am in a state of elated disbelief – I’ve waited through THREE trials and had all but given up hope to hear any…

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Monsanto Trial

According to Dr. Robot

May 2, 2019

BY: AOJ Pre-jury The discussion this morning is about the remarkable timing of the news that the EPA has made a preliminary determination that glyphosate is not a carcinogen. At one point, Judge Winifred Smith jokes about the long “reach of Monsanto,” and the courtroom has a good laugh. Brent Wisner is probably the least…

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Monsanto Trial Roundup

The EPA and Betsy Ross

May 1, 2019

I’ve read plenty of stories about the corruption of the US government, but always held on to the hope that things weren’t really so bad. After all, Betsy Ross happily quilted a team banner that has stood proudly for over two centuries. I presume this happy story to be true, but upon further research for…

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Monsanto Trial Wisner

Ready to Rumble

April 30, 2019

When I commute to Oakland or San Francisco, I pass many high-priced Silicon Valley billboards. The billboards most commonly advertise 1) Apple and 2) marijuana everything. People don’t have a “Pot Guy” anymore, it is rather a “Pot Concierge.” Cigarette billboards are outlawed, but the toned backside of two women wearing thong bikinis advertising “Best…

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Monsanto Trial Ritz Benbrook Portier Sawyer Nabhan

Earthly Stubborn Perseverance

April 29, 2019

For better or worse, I’m married to a Sci-Fi, Star Wars & Marvel Comics fanatic. He bought tickets to see the epic, hot event among my household, Avengers: End Game, on the first day they went on sale. In our family, there is no choice but to attend. Come to think of it, maybe that…

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Shame on You

April 26, 2019

Update: This article tells you the latest and most shocking!! It’s fabulous news! I am live streaming Bayer’s Annual Shareholder Meeting in the wee hours of the morning. I put the meeting on one part of my computer screen, and Twitter-fed videos of hundreds of protesters standing outside of the meeting on the other. One…

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Nabhan Roundup Monsanto Trial NHL

It’s Common Sense

April 25, 2019

Over the last two days, I haven’t spotted a single journalist at the Pilliod trial. Something very odd is going on: First, the no technology rule in the courtroom on the day of Opening Statements. Next, some “courtroom manager” showed up to be sure that people weren’t using technology (even in the hallways outside the…

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Mildly Inflamed Johnson Juror

April 25, 2019

By AOJ GG NOTE: RATED PG-13-ish FOR LANGUAGE Hey folks! AOJ would like to warn you that he is a very mad agent, so if I don’t seem my usually jovial self, well, here’s why:  I was taking my lunch break at work today, checking email. There was an email from a friend in Argentina who wrote:…

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Roundup Dogs Cancer "Monsanto trial"

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

April 19, 2019

By AOJ Okay, it’s minor disclosure time folks. I had second thoughts about accepting the assignment to write about today’s proceedings, in which Alberta and Alva Pilliod are going to testify. Mixed feelings might be a better way to describe it. I know what is coming and it is not going to be easy to watch and…

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Charles Benbrook Roundup "Monsanto Trial"

‘Scuse ‘Scuse Me

April 18, 2019

I attended college in the late 1990s, a period of dramatic cultural transition from grunge to Britney Spears. Whether wearing huge flannel shirts or belly-baring crop tops, most of the girls in my sorority worked out and constantly dieted to achieve that super lean 90s body type. Around this time, my older sister – who…

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